An education movie part 1 Id

An education movie part 1

Id like to get AnyDVD HD, but its too expensive for me after buying the Sanyo z2000 1080p projector, Im dirt poor at the. Im also waiting for the discs to come down in price 20 to 30 each is a bit much. I only bought 5 and my AnyDVD HD trial period expired a couple of weeks ago, so Im done with the ripping and buying of Blu-Ray discs. lol i have been watching what you have been saying for a good month now and i think ive got the gist of the whole process. besides, who says im going to an education movie part 1 AnyDVD HD? i have my hackintosh/xp computer ready to rip at the drop of a hat!! just gotta get that mini/blu ray reader. one major problem about living in australia is that a bluray player costs around 200 at least for a good one anyway, thats not even with a writer. the BR discs cost around 40-50 each, so dont you complain about prices:p ;. Here you go. The png screen capture is 5 mb, well over the MR limit, so Ive posted a crop of it. Thanks, so are you using ANYDVD? Do you TSMuxer at all? lol ever heard of Mr. Sarcasm? well i dont know about you, but i see 13 hours as a pretty quick download time. it will only be an overnight download, nothing wrong about that from where i see it anyways. ok i have ADLS2, its the fastest we can get around here unless we move to the city, it is blisteringly fast. even when i upped to 8mbits p/s that was fast. i know that id be willing to wait a little while for a movie, as opposed to driving around looking for the movie in HD DVD nono these days or waiting a week for it to torrent! you think your ISPs need an overall?? man please come to australia and check it out, our system is terrible. if you have solid numbers about the slowing of the ISPs and whatnot, come and share please. id love to know the actual impact P2P and all the other types of shows have on everything. there are two main points i am making with that statement. a people are downloading more, thus keeping things on their hard drives more, thus using less DVDs and optical media this is also people of the whole computer home theatre systems. connecting your macmini into a HD screen and using that as your media server. i am doing this in a coupla months, just gotta get the mini:. b legal or illegal, people are downloading a hell of a lot more than they used to, optical an education movie part 1 especially in the movie sector has taken a pretty nasty hit. just look at the iTunes stores numbers, they have many titles available for you to download yada yada yada and they are pretty darn cheap. so yea. it all counts. i am COMPLETELY confused as to why people want to use old technology. its wayyy outdated, it sounds pathetic, and its overall just crap. who are you going to see carrying around a record player and a few records. i just completely miss the point of using outdated technology except for when it cant be afforded of course. You think 13 hours is quick? I dont know about you but I can get to a few major towns and back in about in under 2 hours. 2hours vs 13 hours? I am tired of people always saying on these forums provide me with a dissertation with regards to citing things. If you can use this forum you can go and use google. Links wise I dont have any to hand, I however do have some handy maths. UK A 622Mb pipe for an isp based on ADSL connection costs etc costs about ¸100, 000 a month in reality a per annum cost of more like ¸ 5million. So if every user on the connection had 8Mb, and used bittorrent for example, an education movie part 1 their connection, the ISP could serve only 77 users before taking a hit on their available bandwidth. Now ISPs may have 2 or 3 of these at most due to the cost and time it takes to set them up, some do have many more though. This now brings me back to how p2p will slow ISPs and also how annoying and ignorant it is to assume otherwise. Many ISPs are carrying thousands of users, so the pipes are an essential tool in providing their users with the appropriate amount of bandwitdh. Traffic shaping and capping are there to make people download responsibly, and to deter mass downloading which will impact on other users on the ISP. The introduction of 4oD and the BBC iplayer in the UK, both of which which use the kontiki p2p platform silently download in the background and are being use by more people each Those who werent downloading via p2p before are now doing so, many of whom are unaware this is the case. Whilst this is a very over simplified example, it shows that life on the ISP front isnt as rosey as people would like to think. This all means added stress on already strained ISPs who have to keep paying incredible sums of money in order to keep users connected.

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